Logo With Blue Stars and Waves in a Circle

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acronym albablue animal aries arrow ball banner basketball bird black brightblue bull c cannon castle checkerboard circle cross crown curl eagle elephant f face flag flame flyingblue football garland gradient h heart helmet horns horse house k9 key knight knot koneblue leaf letter ligament lines lion man monogram number olivedrab package pepsiblue pirate r ram rectangle red roverbeige rr s scorpion seahorse sharp shiny ship stars stork swallow sword tree triangle upsbrown vellips vikings washedoutred waves web2.0 wolf

Shield Remove Shield

Scuderia Ferrari

benettongreen, black, red, yellow, animal, horse, shield

Ferrari Automobilia

black, gold, red, vaillant, animal, horse, shield

United Parcel Service

upsbrown, knot, package, shield

Harley Davidson

black, offorange, shield


flyingblue, shield, stars, waves


roverbeige, shield, ship, vikings

Tag Heuer

oakgreen, red, arrow, shield


black, heinzred, shield, triangle


albablue, arrow, shield, shiny


lightlavender, strongblue, crown, shield


red, yellow, letter, s, shield


black, gold, pepsiblue, silver, washedoutred, garland, shield


darkblue, yellow, number, shield

Oklahoma City Thunder

beakorange, koneblue, sloggiblue, tomato, basketball, shield

New York Rangers

crimson, dominoblue, shield

Oakland Raiders

black, silver, face, helmet, man, pirate, shield, sword

New Jersey Nets

crimson, sloggiblue, basketball, shield

Dallas Mauvericks

black, koneblue, silver, animal, horse, shield


gold, vaillant, shield, triangle


red, animal, aries, horns, ram, shield


beakorange, black, red, animal, horse, shield


crimson, lightsteelblue, yellow, animal, banner, bird, flame, shield


black, shield

Manchester United

crimson, yellow, shield


almostred, crimson, luckybeige, sloggiblue, cannon, shield


black, red, animal, bull, shield

United Parcel Service

darkgoldenrod, upsbrown, acronym, shield, shiny, web2.0


black, red, yellow, animal, scorpion, shield, shiny


pepsiblue, letter, monogram, r, rr, shield

National Hockey League

black, gray, shield


black, silver, shield


black, crimson, animal, h, horse, knight, man, shield, sword


darkgreen, orangered, key, rectangle, shield

West Bromwich Albion

bordeaux, sloggiblue, vaillant, animal, bird, shield

Newcastle United

black, deepskyblue, goldenrod, animal, banner, flag, seahorse, shield

Torino F.C.

gold, saddlebrown, skyblue, animal, bull, shield


black, gold, animal, ball, bird, eagle, football, shield

West Ham United

bacardibeige, bordeaux, sandalblue, banner, castle, shield

Aston Villa

aubergine, skyblue, yellow, animal, lion, shield


red, cross, rectangle, shield

Manchester City

roverbeige, vansblue, animal, banner, bird, eagle, shield, ship, stars


cyan, dominoblue, yellow, banner, gradient, shield


almostred, black, luckybeige, animal, banner, lion, shield

S.S. Lazio

darkgoldenrod, heavenlyblue, skyblue, animal, bird, eagle, lines, shield


benettongreen, pepsiblue, yellow, cross, shield, stars

Udinese Calcio

black, sienna, silver, circle, garland, leaf, shield

Stoke City

mattred, pepsiblue, banner, shield


black, mattred, orange, silver, slategray, circle, shield

FC Twente

washedoutred, animal, horse, shield


black, tomato, yellow, animal, lion, shield

Ado Den-Haag

oakgreen, yellow, animal, ball, bird, football, shield, stork


black, vaillant, washedoutred, shield

SC Heerenveen

dominoblue, washedoutred, heart, shield

Cagliari Calcio

faintred, roverbeige, sloggiblue, garland, leaf, shield, vellips

Parma F.C.

black, darkslateblue, gold, cross, lines, shield


red, curl, sharp, shield

A.S. Roma

beakorange, black, crimson, k9, shield, wolf

Empoli F.C.

koneblue, house, shield

A.C. Chievo Verona

ifyellow, royalblue, animal, horse, knight, shield, sword

FC Utrecht

pepsiblue, red, c, f, shield

Van Lanschot Bankiers

olivedrab, castle, shield, tree

Reggina Calcio

black, bordeaux, goldenrod, ball, football, letter, r, shield


black, oakgreen, checkerboard, circle, shield


black, red, ligament, shield

U.S. Città di Palermo

black, goldenrod, wheat, animal, bird, eagle, shield

U.C. Sampdoria

black, red, royalblue, silver, shield

Comune di Roma

darkkhaki, wine, crown, shield


black, heinzred, animal, bull, crown, shield

A.C.R. Messina

goldenrod, washedoutred, yellow, shield

Calcio Catania

cyan, goldenrod, gray, red, animal, ball, elephant, lines, shield


heinzred, pepsiblue, animal, bird, shield, swallow


brightblue, shield, stars, waves

Add tags to your selection:

acronym albablue animal aries arrow ball banner basketball bird black brightblue bull c cannon castle checkerboard circle cross crown curl eagle elephant f face flag flame flyingblue football garland gradient h heart helmet horns horse house k9 key knight knot koneblue leaf letter ligament lines lion man monogram number olivedrab package pepsiblue pirate r ram rectangle red roverbeige rr s scorpion seahorse sharp shiny ship stars stork swallow sword tree triangle upsbrown vellips vikings washedoutred waves web2.0 wolf

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